Wake Up Your Face with Blepharoplasty in NYC!

POSTED ON TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2011 AT 5:10 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Are you tired of your droopy upper eyelids? Does puffiness under your eyes make you look tired, even when you’re not? If you’ve answered yes to either (or both!) of these questions, you may be a good candidate for blepharoplasty, or cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin and tissue from the upper or lower eyelids. Leading cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi performs upper and lower blepharoplasty in his New York and New Jersey plastic surgery offices.

Eyelid surgery can be used to correct droopy upper eyelids and puffy, sagging lower eyelids – characteristics that can make you look years older than you really are. For some people, droopy or puffy eyelids are the result of genetics. For others, they can be caused by environmental factors. Stress, happiness, sadness, and fatigue can all have an impact on the skin around your eyes.


Upper blepharoplasty typically involves the removal of excess skin and fat. Lower blepharoplasty is often more complex and involves the removal, reshaping, and tightening of the skin and tissue. With any blepharoplasty procedure, Dr. Asaadi strives to provide his patients with natural, youthful looking results.

The best candidates for blepharoplasty are in good overall health and have realistic expectations following surgery. To learn more about blepharoplasty surgery, please visit Dr. Asaadi’s website or call 973-731-7000 to schedule a private consultation in our New York or New Jersey locations


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Plastic Surgery NYC

Facelift NJ

Cosmetic Surgeon Manhattan