Slim Down with CORE Abdominoplasty in NYC

POSTED ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 AT 4:19 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Picking an outfit for a party should be like a pre-party in your closet, trying on outfits you love, discovering dresses you forgot you’d bought, and experimenting with combinations of shoes and jewelry you haven’t worn before. For some people however, the sparkle of their jewels and shine of their patent-leather heels isn’t enough to distract them from the few classics hiding in the back that can’t be worn anymore, because no matter the diets and exercise programs you’ve completed, you simply can’t zip up the dress. Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi, M.D., F.A.C.S. offers CORE Abdominoplasty in NYC as a body contouring procedure to help trim the excess fat and sagging skin that diet and exercise can’t seem to touch. Don’t discount your favorite, nearly forgotten dress hidden in your closet this New Year until you’ve considered CORE Abdominoplasty in New York and whether this procedure can help you.

Although Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi will be trimming excess skin and fat from the body, CORE Abdominoplasty in New Jersey is not meant as a weight loss procedure. CORE Abdominoplasty is a body sculpting procedure for patients already in good physical health who are not satisfied with the results they have received with diet and exercise alone. Women who have had children often seek CORE Abdominoplasty in NY as a solution to finally get what no amount of healthy living can seem to give back; the body they had before pregnancy. Receiving CORE Abdominoplasty in NYC with Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi ensures the best possible results and ultimate patient satisfaction. Dr. Asaadi has crafted a revolutionary new technique in order to ensure stellar results. During the procedure, Dr. Asaadi raises the operating table 45 degrees to perform the “Table Tilt Test.” By raising the table, Dr. Asaadi will be able to detect any additional bulging that should be corrected before completing the procedure. CORE Abdominoplasty in New York isn’t the only procedure Dr. Asaadi has modified in order to achieve the highest level of patient satisfaction. The MAsterTuck in NJ is a procedure of his own design as well that combines the results of a tummy tuck and breast lift in New Jersey with the least amount of scarring possible. Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi provides the latest, most technologically advanced techniques and equipment during his procedures; CORE Abdominoplasty in New Jersey requires an overnight stay because this procedure uses general anesthesia, but patients can feel confident that they are receive the best care available.

Zip up that dress you haven’t dared to try on in ages this New Year by considering CORE Abdominoplasty in NJ. Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi and his staff welcome any questions or concerns you may have about CORE Abdominoplasty. You can contact us at our New York office at 212.938.0158, our New Jersey Offices at 973.731.7000, or you may make an appointment online for a personal consultation with Dr. Asaadi.

Additional Links:

Tummy Tuck NJ

MAsterTuck℠ New Jersey

Liposuction NY

Vaser Liposelection® NYC

Body Lift New York

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