A Faster, No Scar Foreheadplasty

POSTED ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 AT 1:12 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Your brows express a variety of emotions, including anger, depression, surprise, and tiredness. If these expression lines have become a permanent fixture on your face, you may be experiencing premature signs of aging caused by eyebrow descent. These lines may appear between the eyebrows, horizontally on the forehead, or at the bridge of the nose. Oftentimes, these lines are mistaken for excess skin. To treat plunging eyebrows, our plastic surgeon recommends a foreheadplasty.

A foreheadplasty, commonly referred to as a brow lift, elevates sagging brows into an ideal position, regaining your youthful appearance and removing predated expressions. Advances in the medical field have allowed plastic surgeons to perform this procedure endoscopically.

This technique, also known as a short-scar foreheadplasty, allows for an invisible scar recovery. The procedure uses small incisions within the hair to reposition the brow. The new positioning is held in place with stitches, and after a few weeks the skin will naturally reattach itself to a lifted position. When Dr. Asaadi performs the procedure, he often cuts the corrugator muscle (located at the medial end of the eyebrow) to relax the apperance of frowning. An endoscopic procedure is ideal for correcting a very low brow and can also improve deep lines between the eyebrows and above the nose. 

The differences between bicoronal (traditional) foreheadplasty and an endoscopic (short-scar) foreheadplasty:

  Bicoronal  Endoscopic 
Scar A long scar that may stretch will be visible post-surgery.  Scarring is small, hidden by hairline, nearly invisible. 
Changes to Hairline   Your hairline may appear elevated, hair loss is unlikely.  It is uncommon to experience an elevation in your hairline, and hair loss is unlikely. 
Numbing in the Scalp  Likely to occur.  Not likely to occur. 
Recovery  Post-op, there may be some bruising.  Directly following surgery, you may have a surprised appearance. It may take 1-2 weeks to recovery although itching in the scalp many last for months.  Bruising post-op is unlikely, and your results will look natural. 
Results  Long-lasting. Long-lasting. 

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about brow lift in NJ. Contact our NJ office at 973.731.7000 or request your appointment online today.

Additional Links:

Brow Lift NJ

Neck Lift New Jersey


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