Natural Breast Augmentation in NYC is the All-Natural Alternative

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2011 AT 6:12 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Many women wish to have larger breasts but are turned off by the thought of artificial implants and the maintenance surgeries they require down the line. Fat grafting gives women the option of augmenting their breast size using their own fat cells instead of saline or silicone implants.

During Natural Breast Augmentation, New York plastic surgeon Dr. Asaadi gently harvests fat cells from other parts of the body and meticulously transfers them to the breasts. Natural Breast Augmentation is performed under local anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. During the procedure, Dr. Asaadi first harvests fat cells from your belly, hips, or thighs using liposuction. Next, Dr. Asaadi injects the harvested fat cells above and below the breast tissue, under the skin and directly into the muscle. He does not inject fat cells into the breast tissue itself. Ultimately, patients can expect to see a one cup increase in breast size following the procedure.  

In addition to being a completely natural alternative to implants, Natural Fat Transfer to the Breast significantly reduces downtime and the potential for scarring when compared to other techniques. The recovery period following the procedure is typically very short. The majority of the discomfort patients experience following the procedure is caused by the fat harvesting (liposuction) portion of the procedure.

Aside from the cosmetic benefits of Natural Fat Transfer to the Breast, Natural Breast Augmentation is also used as an alternative to breast implants for women who have had mastectomy/lumpectomy after breast cancer. In addition to increasing the size of the breast and smoothing contour irregularities, scientific evidence suggests that stem cells found within the fat can regenerate and repair tissue damaged by radiation treatments.

For more information about Natural Breast Augmentation, please schedule a private consultation online at either our New York or New Jersey offices.

Additional Links:

Breast Implants NY

Plastic Surgeon New York

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