A Tighter & Flatter Tummy with CORE Abdominoplasty in NYC

POSTED ON THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 AT 3:56 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

In recent years, abdominoplasty (commonly called a “tummy tuck”) has continued to grow in popularity.  According to the ASAPS Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank, abdominoplasty was one of the top five most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedures in 2010. Unfortunately, many patients are unsatisfied with the results of traditional abdominoplasty.

According to top New York plastic surgeon Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi, this is because traditional abdominoplasty is performed while the patient is lying flat, with their stomach muscles completely stretched. Performing the abdominoplasty procedure while a patient is in this position makes it nearly impossible for a surgeon to detect any muscle bulging that may occur once the patient is upright. In order to provide his patients optimal post-abdominoplasty results, Dr. Asaadi has developed CORE Abdominoplasty.

With CORE Abdominoplasty, Dr. Asaadi has created a new, more effective approach to tightening the abdominal muscles. While the patient is still under general anesthesia, Dr. Asaadi raises the back of the operating table to a 45 degree position. This is what Dr. Asaadi calls the “Table Tilt Test,” which allows him to detect any additional bulging while the abdominal muscles are still fully relaxed. Ultimately, the “Table Tilt Test” used during CORE Abdominoplasty℠ allows for more precise tightening of the abdominal muscles, giving patients better results than traditional abdominoplasty.


According to Dr. Asaadi, CORE Abdominoplasty℠ can help women whose stomach muscles have become weak and stretched during pregnancy get back to their pre-baby bodies. While it is most commonly performed on female patients, it can also be an effective treatment for men with excess abdominal fat. 

Dr. Asaadi is excited to offer patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin in the tummy area a smoother, flatter stomach using CORE Abdominoplasty℠. The results of CORE Abdominoplasty℠ can last a lifetime if paired with a sensible diet and exercise.

The best candidates for CORE Abdominoplasty℠ are in good overall health and do not have large amounts of excess fat in the stomach area. To learn more about Dr. Asaadi’s revolutionary CORE Abdominoplasty℠ procedure, call 973-731-7000 to schedule a private consultation in our New York or New Jersey locations.


Additional links:

CORE Abdominoplasty NYC

Abdominoplasty NYC

Tummy Tuck NJ

Plastic Surgeon New York