What Causes Bags Under Eyes? Diagnosing Festoons & Malar Bags

POSTED ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 07, 2021 AT 8:49 AM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Festoons, or malar bags, are genetic conditions that create puffy bags under the eyes and above the cheeks. This puffiness may appear similar to dark circles under the eyes and can result in an older, tired-looking appearance. Although malar bags are fairly common, their cause is often misdiagnosed, resulting in improper treatment and dissatisfactory results. New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi has developed a unique method to determine the cause of festoons and ensure the development of a proper treatment plan to rejuvenate the eyelids.

Malar Bag & Festoon Diagnosis

Malar bags or festoons typically have one of two causes: excess fat deposits or muscle laxity. In order to diagnose the cause of malar bags, Dr. Asaadi pioneered the “Botox ® Test ”, during which a small amount of Botox® is injected into the orbicularis oculi (the muscle surrounding the eye), and the response to the injection is measured.

A worsening of festoons indicates the likely cause is muscle laxity, while no change in the appearance of malar bags indicates that the presence of excess fat is the probable source.

Malar Bag & Festoon Treatment

After determining the source of your malar bags, Dr. Asaadi can then address the cause by either surgically removing fat deposits underneath the eye, or by releasing the ligaments of the surrounding eye muscles. In some cases of muscle laxity, a portion of the eye muscle may be removed, and if necessary, the remaining muscle may be attached to a stable area below the eyelid. The treatment of festoons can result in a long-lasting, youthful, and refreshed appearance.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about malar bag or festoon treatment, as well as our other facial rejuvenation procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Eyelid Surgery NJ

Botox NJ

Facelift New Jersey

Brow Lift NJ

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