Redefine Your Waistline With The Revolutionary CORE Abdominoplasty In NJ

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 09, 2020 AT 10:19 AM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

A firm, contoured midsection is among the most coveted features. Unfortunately, the abdomen is also one of the most common problem areas for patients. Flab, love handles, and stretch marks can affect self-confidence and cause patients to cover up. For mothers in particular, stomach muscles may become weakened and stretched as a result of pregnancy. Even with steadfast dieting and consistent exercise, these structural issues cannot be corrected without surgery. CORE Abdominoplasty is a revolutionary way to tighten stomach muscles and address abdominal bulging.

How Does CORE Abdominoplasty Differ From Traditional Liposuction?

While liposuction is an extremely effective method of removing unwanted belly fat, it cannot address excess skin or loose stomach muscles. CORE Abdominoplasty can tighten underlying muscle layers to create a firmer, tighter midsection. Small amounts of excess fat can also be removed during your CORE Abdominoplasty procedure to reduce bulging and love handles.

How Does CORE Abdominoplasty Differ From A Standard Tummy Tuck?

Though there are some similarities between CORE Abdominoplasty and a traditional tummy tuck, the key difference is Dr. Asaadi’s “Table Tilt Test.” Unlike a standard tummy tuck, where the patient is lying down, the Table Tilt Test repositions the patient to a 45-degree angle sitting up. By doing so, Dr. Asaadi can detect additional bulging and looseness as your stomach muscles fall naturally while sitting. This bulging can be surgically corrected by tightening the underlying muscles for a firmer, flatter abdomen.

Am I An Ideal Candidate For CORE Abdominoplasty?

Ideal candidates for CORE Abdominoplasty include mothers who have weakened stomach muscles as a result of pregnancy. For these patients, diet and exercise alone cannot tighten and reposition core muscles. Additionally, patients who have loose, drooping skin and stretched stomach muscles due to weight fluctuations may also be candidates for CORE Abdominoplasty.

The CORE Abdominoplasty procedure is not designed for patients with large amounts of excess fat around the abdomen. It is important to note that this technique is not meant for weight loss, but rather to firm and tighten your midsection. CORE Abdominoplasty patients should be in relatively good health.

What Kind Of CORE Abdominoplasty Results Can I Expect?

CORE Abdominoplasty results are long-lasting. Patients can expect a slimmer, more-contoured midsection. By tightening stretched abdominal muscles and removing stubborn belly fat, CORE Abdominoplasty can redefine your waistline for years to come.

CORE Abdominoplasty can address:

  • Loose Stomach Muscles
  • Excess, Flabby Skin
  • Love Handles
  • Bulging
  • Stretch Marks
  • Small Deposits Of Stubborn Fat

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about CORE Abdominoplasty, as well as our other body contouring procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Tummy Tuck NJ

MasterTuck New Jersey

Liposuction NJ

Vaser LipoSelection NYC

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