Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Exchange NJ - When to Replace Breast Implants

POSTED ON MONDAY, APRIL 03, 2023 AT 9:00 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Breast implant replacement is performed to remove current breast implants and replace them with new implants. This procedure is available at Asaadi Plastic Surgery to remove, replace, and reposition the breast implants and provide the patient with their desired appearance. A common reason for replacing breast implants is to reposition the implants to better fit your body’s physique. Reasons to consider this procedure, and the right time for breast implant replacement can be based on cosmetic factors and medical concerns.

When to Replace Breast Implants

The time to replace breast implants can vary from patient to patient. Age, health, personal changes or preferences, and the expertise of your surgeon can determine how often breast implants need to be replaced. Choosing a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon is essential for any surgery. Important details your surgeon should consider when preforming breast implant surgery includes skin laxity, height, and body composition of their patient. If an unskilled surgeon does not take these factors into consideration, the results may look less natural. These factors can greatly impact the results of breast implant procedures.

Cosmetic Reasons to Remove Breast Implants

  • A patient may choose to replace their implants because they are unhappy with the current size or shape and want to either increase or decrease the size of their implants.
  • Some patients may gain or lose weight, changing the proportions of the body which alters the look of the implants. New implants can better fit a patient’s body physique.
  • If a patient is unhappy with the results of their implants from another surgeon. This can occur due to the previous doctor having incorrect knowledge of the patient’s anatomy. Skin laxity, height, and body composition of the patient are important to consider when choosing the size and shape of breast implants.
  • Exchanging silicone implants to saline implants, which are known to be safer and more natural-looking than silicone implants. Dr. Asaadi only uses saline breast implants.

Medical Reasons to Remove Breast Implants

  • If the patient is involved in an accident or experience trauma, the implant may leak or rupture. Removal and replacement would be required in this scenario.
  • The possibility of infection or capsular contracture can also occur with breast implants, although it is rare. Capsular contracture is a medical condition where the tissue surrounding the implant becomes too firm. This requires removal and replacement of the implant.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff are available to discuss any questions or concerns regarding breast implant replacement surgery, or any of our other plastic surgery procedures. Please contact our New Jersey office, our New York office, or request an appointment online today!


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Breast Implant Removal New Jersey

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