Breast Implant Removal NJ – Removing Your Breast Implants

POSTED ON MONDAY, JULY 22, 2019 AT 5:41 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Although breast augmentation surgery leaves many patients enthusiastic about their new body, this initial enthusiasm may shift over time as patients’ perception of their body image changes. For those who have received breast augmentation surgery and are experiencing dissatisfaction, pain, or complications as a result of implants, Dr. Asaadi offers breast implant removal and replacement.

What is Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Breast implants may be removed for various reasons. In certain cases, a silicone implant can break, causing silicone to leak. When scar tissue hardens and contracts around the implant, this is known as capsular contracture. Although a common complication of breast augmentation,

Dr. Asaadi believes capsular contracture can be avoided and is solely a symptom of poor surgical techniques. Having performed breast augmentations with a 100% success rate of no capsular contracture or implant leakage, Dr. Asaadi swears by the method of using saline implants and utilizing the inframammary incision to accomplish successful breast augmentation surgeries at his NJ practice.

Although a ruptured implant can be painful, it may also go unnoticed, in a phenomenon known as “silent ruptures”. To avoid “silent ruptures” and the development of capsular contracture, Dr. Asaadi only uses saline breast implants.

Saline-filled implants are made out of a sterile saltwater solution, in which a silicone shell is inserted into the breast and then filled to its desired volume with saline-fluid. Having the consistency of water, saline implants provide a more natural, safe, and symmetrical result. For this reason, some patients also opt to remove their silicone implants and replace their breast implants with saline implants.

Who Can Get Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Breast implant removal surgery is commonly performed if the patient is no longer satisfied with their implants or wishes to exchange them. It is natural for tastes to change over time, and life events such as pregnancy can alter the appearance of the original implants. Although breast implants do not expire, patients often remove or exchange their implants every 10 to 20 years due to complications such as a ruptures or hardening of scars, transformations in their physical body leading to discomfort, or changes in personal preferences. Breast implant removal surgery is recommended if the patient is experiencing capsular contracture, pain caused by the implants, or if breast imaging has shown a leak in the implant.

What Will My Breasts Look Like After Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Results from breast implant removal are highly individualized, dependent upon age, overall health, and implant size, but patients can expect natural-looking results. Patients with very large implants may require further surgery to address excess skin.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about breast implant removal surgery, as well as other breast enhancement procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Natural Breast Augmentation NJ

Breast Reconstruction New Jersey

Breast Reduction NJ

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