Presenting Dr. Asaadi’s “Botox Test” for Diagnosis of Malar Bags!

POSTED ON FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 AT 4:51 PM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Diagnosing malar bags and festoons can be extremely difficult. These conditions, also known as severe under-eye bags, are persistent and problematic; they can prevent you from feeling confident in your appearance and expressing your true emotions. Luckily, Dr. Asaadi has developed a system for testing the source of these troublesome facial issues using Botox injections!

The Botox Test

Dr. Asaadi's Botox Test is designed to diagnose the causes of malar bags and festoons. Since these conditions can have multiple causes, it is crucial to know what’s creating them in order to formulate a proper treatment plan. By injecting  Botox into the muscle around the eyes (known as the orbicularis oculi), Dr. Asaadi can indicate whether your condition is being caused by excess fat or by a loss of tightness and tone in the muscle. If your festoons or malar bags worsen after the injection, this indicates that aging in the muscle has led to laxity around the eyes and upper cheeks. However, if the Botox injection doesn’t alter the appearance of your malar bags or festoons, then your condition is being caused by localized fat. Upon diagnosing the cause of your issue, Dr. Asaadi can then formulate a treatment plan.

Festoons and malar bags can be extremely troublesome issues. They can strip you of your confidence and make you self-conscious about your appearance. Dr. Asaadi is dedicated to finding innovative methods to fit your individual needs. What works for one patient may not be the solution for another. Dr. Asaadi strives to make every patient feel comfortable in his or her own skin. The Botox Test is another step in ensuring you receive the proper treatment for your condition.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about malar bags and festoons, as well as our Botox treatments. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, or you may request an appointment online today!


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